A crazy cool way to use Build Alpha. I have to admit that I did not come up with this idea, but it was suggested to me by a potential Build Alpha user.
He was wondering if Build Alpha could
help come up with some rules of when he should avoid trading his
existing strategy or even when to fade his existing strategy. Heck any
improvement is a plus, right?
**Please note Build Alpha now
accepts data in this format: mm/dd/yyyy, hh:mm, open, high, low, close,
volume, OI. Please refer to buildalpha.com/demo page for adding own
data instructions**
*I say we found one strategy but we
actually found tons that would be an improvement to his original
strategy. Him and I only spoke specifically about one so that’s why in
the video I slip and say we found one strategy. Did not feel like making
a new video to clarify this minor point.*
He had a day trading system and compiled
profit and loss results for that system in the following (Build Alpha
accepted) format. Date, time, open, high, low, close, volume. (*note BuildAlpha now accepts the time column as intraday capabilities are becoming fully operational*).
Below is his sample file. We purposely
left the open (high and low) columns as all 0’s. The close column
contains the end of day p&l from his original strategy.
We then set Build Alpha to have a
maximum one bar holding period and to ONLY enter on the next bar’s open
and to the ONLY exit on the next bar’s close. I will explain why this is
in a minute.
We then chose the underlying symbol the
original strategy was built on as market2. So for example, his original
strategy trades ES (S&P500 Emini futures) so we only select Build
Alpha signals calculated on Market2 which is set for ES.
So now if Build Alpha
calculates a rule on ES-like close[0] <= square root(high[0] *
low[0]) then we would “buy” the next bar’s open of market1 (again his
results – which are 0) and “sell” the next bar’s close of his results
which is the original strategy’s p&l for that day. This would
essentially say that if this rule is true then go ahead with a green
light to trade the original strategy the next day. If the rules are not
true, then don’t trade the original strategy the next day. Ideally, we
can find rules that increase risk-adjusted returns for the original
strategy (which we did).
Now, what is even cooler is if we set Build
Alpha to find short strategies we would essentially be “fading” his
original strategy or finding rules of when to go opposite his original
Build Alpha found some good short/
“fade” rules to use as well. Here is an example that did quite well
fading his original strategy (even out of sample – highlighted section).

“There are 2028 negative
periods in my data with a gross loss of -1,217,880.26. That’s the
theoretical maximum a short rule can achieve, if it were to find all
losses. Your graph seems to show 380,000 short rule profits. That’s
already 31% of all losses. If I don’t trade on these days, my net profit
would go up by 380,000, a 46% increase.”
I thought this was a really unique way to use BuildAlpha
and I wanted to share. I think the same analysis can be done on
strategies with longer holding periods too. I would just import daily
marked to market results of the original strategy and Build Alpha would
essentially find rules of when to hedge your strategy or fade it for a
day or two. I think this is certainly a unique approach to add some
alpha to performance.
Anyways, thanks for reading as always and keep a lookout for some MAJOR upgrades coming to Build Alpha very soon!
Originally Posted: http://buildalpha.us/improving-strategies/
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